Using the Polymerization of Acrylic Monomers for the Treatment and Conservation of a Historical Piece in the Agricultural Museum, Dokki “An Applied Study”

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer, Restoration Department, Faculty of Archaeology- Qena, South Valley University

2 Professor and Head of Restoration Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Sohag University

3 Professor and Head of Restoration Department, Faculty of Archaeology- Qena, South Valley University

4 Department of Polymers, National Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Cairo


        Textiles should be handled carefully to maintain their integrity. Because handling textile artifacts is a major responsibility, a comprehensive study shall be carried out before making any treatment decision. The proposed treatment should be carried out in cooperation with the concerned disciplines, museum curators, and art historians. It should have accurate steps and be documented and registered to describe the artifact historically or diagnose the damage manifestations using scientific methods, means, tools, and devices. It is important before actual restoration or any treatment steps of the artifact as it shows the pre-restoration steps, demonstrating the success of the treatment operations. Each textile has unique problems that require specific solutions. However, the same principles are applicable, so the methods and materials used must be safe for the artifact, especially in the long run and regenerative 1(Masschelein1993 (. Archaeologists may use polymers in conservation to provide structural support to overcome the fragility and deterioration of the artifacts 2 (Abdel-Maksoud 2010).


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